
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I LOVE PEONIES!! Hers's how to Grow Them!

      Hello friends, I know I say this is my favorite all the time but well I love all my plant babies!Peonies hold a special place in my heart, I got mine from my mom, grandmother and mother-in-law. 
   These plants will live through neglect, horrible dirt, tornado's you name it!
    How to Plant and care for Peonies

   Peonies can live and thrive for decades, with minimal care. Peonies bloom in the late spring, but they do best when planted or transplanted in the fall.   For the most part, planting peonies is pretty straight forward. 
   However there are a few special needs peonies have, that are best accommodated at planting time. 
   You need to decide where you want to plant them and then leave them there; they say that every time you move them it takes three years before they will look like they did before, I find this not true.    Though I would suggest once you plant them leave them alone. 
    I personally dig up mine every single time I move-Sorry but I do leave a  behind tuberous root for the next family, usually!
    Peonies can be transplanted as plants, but just as often you’ll be planting the tuberous roots. Either way, the peony root should contain at least three eyes.  Peony eyes are small reddish buds, similar to the eyes of potatoes, that will eventually become stems.
    The reason for the rule of thumb of three eyes on each transplant is so that the tuber is large and strong enough to survive and bloom within a couple of years.
    A root with only one to two eyes will still grow, but it will take longer to mature enough to flower.
    Plant with the eyes facing upwards and the roots spread out.
    If you are planting in heavy, clay soil, amending with compost or a soil mix labeled for azaleas and rhododendrons, before planting, will make it easier for your peony plant to settle in. 
    Since peonies can remain in the same spot for upwards of 70 years, taking the time to prepare the soil before planting is time well spent.
    Peonies like a good chill in the winter. In order to set their flower buds, peony roots should be planted relatively close to the soil surface; only about two or three inches deep. 
    It feels odd to leave roots so exposed, but peonies actually need this chilling to attain dormancy and to set buds.

     Give each peony plant enough space to grow to maturity without being crowded. That means about a three to four feet diameter for each plant. 
    Peonies are especially prone to gray mold when planted too closely and denied air flow between plants.
    Peonies need at least six hours of sun each day and a full day of sun is even better. 
   Without sufficient sunlight, you’re going to get less blooms and smaller flowers. Plus, your plants stand an even greater chance of getting a fungus disease, like gray mold.

      You shouldn't need to divide your peonies for many years. Peonies dislike being disturbed and often won't bloom for two or three years after divisions.(not if you transplant and divide in early fall/late summer). 
     If your peonies are growing in good conditions and they still not flowering it could mean that it’s time to lift and divide them. 
   Use a sharp knife to divide the roots into sections with three to five eyes each and replant. Follow the same steps for transplanting as for planting.
   See really easy plant to have and care for, it was the first plant I ever grew.

   I hope I showed why I love Peonies so much and how easy they are to grow! Until we meet again!


  1. that's why mine don't do good. NOT ENOUGH sunlight. I'll have to remedy that this year! (((hugs)))Pat

  2. I have had so many problems with them. Thanks for the post it helps me to know what to do this time.

  3. I Love Peonies! and I enjoyed the fact that you took the time to really learn about peonies. Very informative post. I own a Peony Farm in Sequim, WA and this came about because I am passionate about Peonies. Every year, I just keep adding to our stock different varieties. I cant help it. We now have 250 varieties, the much admired ITOHS, great Tree Peonies and all colors of Herbaceous Peonies. You can view them at


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