
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

 Hello friends, wow I  hope all of you are having better or at least nicer weather than we are here in Indiana.
  OK so today I want to talk about Inulas-or as my oldest called them when she was young fake daisy's.   For once these aren't my favorite flowers but they are really nice, easy to grow, add color and the best part easy perrenials to grow from seeds.
    How to grow Inulas
    Seeds of Inulas can be planted either at the beginning of autumn or before the last frost of spring; once sown the sees should be lightly covered with soil. Inulas like to grow in sunny areas of the garden that have good drainage, the soil type is not important.
   If you first plan to grow Inulas seedlings indoors then they should be prepared about six to seven weeks before the last frost of spring. The seeds will take anywhere from two to six weeks to germinate.    
   Once ready the young Inulas plants should be transplanted into the garden following the last frost of spring at a spacing of  about eighteen inches.
  To create more plants they can be divided in the spring or autumn. 
   It's easy to look after Inulas, simply keep the soil moist and cut back the stems after flowering has finished in the autumn. It is necessary to divide the plants every three years or so to maintain plant vigor.

      I hope you enjoyed learning about the Inulas plant, maybe not the most dramatic plant but one that the birds and bee really enjoy! Until we meet again.......


  1. They are very pretty! Here the weather is very bad as well, rainy and grey but at least a bit warmer than it's been.
    I changed to another blog platform recently, so you'll have to update my links on your blogroll.. there's another RSS. The blog url is the same, but Blogger's blogroll doesn't update automatically until you re-enter the url.

  2. Hi Natalie! Thanks for sharing this post. Inulas flowers are very pretty indeed. I used to have mini-garden of flowers at my front yard in Canada (years ago), I forgot what type of flowers but your inulas plants remind me of them.
    Have a great weekend Natalie!


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