
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cosmos Dance in your Garden!

     Hello friends, I have to be honest here friends this has not been my best year of planning ahead for my flower garden-to much crap going on. 
     So this year I had forgotten all about starting my seeds for my Cosmos. Until I got free seed packets of them in my mail. I planted them this last weekend, they grow pretty fast and I love the way they look like their "dancing" in the breeze.
   Cosmos are prized for their abundant, silky, daisy like flowers and their unflappable, easy-care nature in the garden. 
   While bedding plants are sold in spring, cosmos are simple and inexpensive to grow from seeds. Plant them in full sun (in very hot regions, cosmos can take afternoon shade) and give them protection from strong winds. 
   Cosmos tolerates a wide range of soil types, including poor soil. Plants need even moisture to get started, but mature cosmos are drought tolerant; plants produce more and larger flowers, however, if they are watered regularly.
   Either sow cosmos seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed, or for an early start on summer blooms, sow seeds indoors four to five weeks before the last spring-frost date. 
    Plant cosmos in full sun and protect them from strong winds. Space plants approximately two feet apart; with tall cosmos, space plants closer than the recommended two feet and let them support each other. 
    Both germination and growth are fast, but cosmos plants are frost tender, so don’t be in a rush. Cosmos are light sensitive and don’t bloom their best until late summer, when the days grow shorter.
   Move these heat-loving annuals to the garden after danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed.
    Cosmos need light soil with average to poor fertility that has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH and is well-drained. Soil that is too rich yields weak-stemmed, sparsely flowered plants that bloom late and flop over, so avoid soil that has been heavily amended, and don’t feed the plants. 
   Tall cosmos sometimes require staking to prevent their thick, hollow stems from breaking due to heavy rain or wind. Instead of staking, a gardener may also space plants closer than the recommended two feet and have the plants support each other.
    Pinch off spent flowers to encourage continuous bloom. Pinching stem tips can reduce height and encourage branching but isn't necessary. 
    Deadheading is recommended since it lengthens the bloom season. Cosmos plants that aren’t deadheaded will self-sow in warm regions. Typical plant height for cosmos is one to five feet.

   As you can see they come in many different colors I like the chocolate ones the best(top picture)
but all are pretty. 
   I hope you grow some yourself! Until we meet again......


  1. They are lovely, and I hope you get some nice peace time to take care of your garden. :)

  2. Great ideas, like always! I am very much impressed with your work..

    Garden Centre Bewdley


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