
Crafts to do with Herbs

        Hello friends, on this page I thought I'd share some of the crafts that my family does with the Herbs we grow. Some of these we've done for years and I can't remember where I learned them from, others that I do know I will so give the credit to. If you have something you do with Herbs and would like to add them here that would be awesome and of course you get the credit and if you want a link back to your site. Also I'm adding a recipe page and if you have a good recipe featuring Herbs or veggies that you would like to share that would be great too!

        Everyone probably knows how to make Sachets I realize this, but these are my daughter Gloria's favorite things to make, she does all the sewing!


   What you will need:
1. Material, we also use seasonal if its for holiday gifts, plain Cotton when its just for our own personal use, and cheese cloth when its for a bath
2. String,ribbon,yarn or even themed shoe strings
3. Scents, to make it smell stronger(optional)
4. Herbs, whatever you like best

 We like to make them 3x4, you can make them whatever size you like. Sew up three sides leaving one open with a small 'seam' that you put you string, ribbon etc so you can close it.
  Then its a simple matter of filling them up with the herbs that you like, we also add extra scents to make it a little stronger.
   I like to use these herbs, you can use whatever you like or want: lavender, lemon balm, lilac,mint, rosemary,roses, scented geraniums, thyme. We have also used cinnamon, and pine needles crushed up. In the summer I'll fill them with penny royal to keep fleas out of my house.