
Friday, May 11, 2012

An Evening Garden

    Hello friends, so I wasn't going to write about this until the space was completely done(OK so none of my garden is ever completely done)  
   Honestly I'm always adding or subtracting something from my flower beds. Besides I couldn't think of what to write about today and feel like I'm neglecting this blog
   I'm making my own secrete garden, but with a catch. It'll be pretty in the day time and at night, ya I've done some of this kind of garden before but this  is the real deal!
 Here's the list of flowers I'm using:
Peace Pipe(Nicotiana)-A white summer blooming, (fragrant in the evenings), oval leafed and is about four feet tall, all zones.
Moonflower-Smells so good! It's part of the trumpet family, large oval leaves, ten feet tall, all zones.
Petunia(the Pearl Mix)- white flowers, summer blooms, one foot tall, all zones.

Moonflower at night
Moonflower closed day time

Peace Pipe

Daylily 'My Hope' A creamy trumpet shaped flower, blooms in the summer. Two feet tall and zones three to nine.
Variegated Miscanthus-A grass it has silver and white striped leaves, silver seed heads in the fall, six feet and zones five to nine.
White Dame's Rocket-White summer flowers,smells great at night,oval leaves, three feet tall, zones three to eight.
Hosta's 'Aphrodite'- White summer flowers(most Hosta's flowers are purple)large green leaves, two feet, zones three to nine.

White Dame's Rocket

Hosta's 'Aphrodite'

Variegated Miscanthus

Daylily 'My Hope'
   Now this fall I'll plant some Madonna Lily's, Gold banded Lily, Tuberose 'The Pearl' and Hyacinth. Not sure but I think I want to add some bushes too just haven't decided yet what kind-I'll let you know when I do. Until we meet again.....

P.S. Sinead the Latin name for Dancing Ballerina Bushes is Raphiolepis indica 'Ballerina'

 Where you can be free to be yourself, everyone needs to be heard. 


  1. How gorgeous is this!
    What a talent and a VISION!

  2. Your garden souns like it will be gorgeous! Wish I had a green thumb but I seem to kill most plants. :o(

    I am " walking" over from the Weekend Blog Hop so this is my first visit to your blog. It is nice to " meet" you and I look forward to exploring more of your blog. :o)

    I would love to have you visit my new blog when you get a chance. It is here:

    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Yay Natalie, thank you, and I love that quote about gardening!

  4. Just found your blog via the Weekend Blog Walk hosted by At Home Take 2 ~ I’m your newest follower now too!
    I just recently re-branded myself and moved my blog over to self-hosted WordPress so I would love♥ it if you could return the follow – I am still trying to build up my blog!

  5. wow..and I have a pot of wild flowers and anissa brought me a pot of periwinkles which are beautiful


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